Friday, February 28, 2014

Nature in Australia

I came across another beautiful picture that was taken in Australia. 
Mitchell Falls is getting added to my site seeing list for when I get the chance to have a vacation in Australia.
One after another these gorgeous pictures keep appearing but this is the most beautiful site in my opinion. 
If there is anyone who knows of cool sites in Australia please leave some comments.
 I need to know whats the best place to visit in Australia. 
Until then hope my trading goes well so I can buy my ticket sooner.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New suprises

I always wondered when products like this would come out.
 As a kid thinking this will never happen, that's impossible. 
Well 2014 is here and there are some exciting new gadgets getting tested.
 In the year 2019 the iWatch should be on the market
 I'm just wondering if everybody will have it, just like the iPhone.
 When the iPhone first came out it was just unbelievable how many people were outside the Apple store waiting to buy there iPhone. 
I just hope there will be no problems when the new iWatch comes out.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Australia has always been on my list for vacation, but when looking at this picture I wish I could live there.
 The colors are just amazing and the landscaping is beautiful.
I have never seen a picture of a house that makes me feel so comfortable.
I can sense the clean air, the breeze and the sounds of the wild life. 
A perfect place for me to have in the future, hope there's a way for that. 
If there is anyone out there that has suggestions for a nice place to stay in Australia feel free to leave some comments. Have a nice day everyone!!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014


First time to see this in my life.
 Footage of the Vietnamese arriving in Australia.
 The story to this is just amazing and the facts are unbelievable.
 I think it is very nice of Australia to welcome people from a different country when times were hard.
 It all started with 5 young Vietnamese men escaped Vietnam and traveled to Australia. 
What happens after that? 
Take a look at the video, guarantee you will not stop watching.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Is it a waste?

Everywhere in the world we are being overcharged for the smallest things.
The question is, Why do we have to pay all the unnecessary charges. 
After watching this movie on YouTube it helped me realize that we are being used to make things happen for the big companies, and the rich stay rich.
 As years go by I really hope that overcharging will come to a stop. 
There are many people that can't even afford the brand name, only the generic brand. 
It's sad because children all around the world get teased for not having the brand name. 
This leads to depression and anger sometimes, because they think to be cool you must have and use brand names. 
What really hit me was that Tylenol and Advil are the same. 
I just found out that when making these medication products all the ingredients are the same, and must be the same. 
Meaning the cheaper one is fine. So what I'm trying to say is that if we don't have the money to buy the brand name products don't feel bad or guilty, it's all the same. 
Have a great day everyone.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Flash Mob

I came across a cool flash mob video from japan.
 It was a wedding reception. 
The husband surprises his wife with the help from all the dancers.
 Very amusing if you ask me. 
It would be nice to have this for my wedding. 
I wonder what it takes to do all of this. 
The performance is so professional. 
Respect for creating happiness for other peoples lives. 
Emotion Rise, a great company for Flash Mobs in Japan.
Wish I could see them perform in real life.

Australia the First four Billion years

   More and more interesting facts I keep finding about Australia.
 He in this YouTube movie shows the history of Australia and how it was Four Billion years ago.
There are explanations of how they thought the animals/creatures were at that time.
 Also explaining facts about the Great Bear Reef and the story behind it.
 Its quite an interesting documentary filled with amazing facts and shows images of the animals they thought existed.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Cool Facts About Australia

Found some more interesting facts about Australia, giving me more reasons to go.
 It's awesome how a country carry such a cool image.
 I need to go there before this summer.
 If there is anyone that lives there please let me know where some other cool spots are to visit. Well here are some fun facts about Australia.
  • As of 2012, Australia has an estimated population of over 22 million people.
  • Australia is the world's 6th largest country by area.
  • Due to its large size and isolation from the rest of the world, Australia is sometimes known as the ‘island continent’.
  • The largest cities in Australia are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.
  • A desert area known as the ‘outback’ covers much of the land.
  • The name ‘Australia’ comes from the Latin word ‘australis’, meaning southern.
  • It is estimated the humans have lived in Australia for around 45000 years.
  • The indigenous people of Australia are Australian Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.
  • The highest mountain on mainland Australia is Mt Kosciuszko, standing 2228m (7310ft) above sea level.
  • The world's largest reef system, the Great Barrier Reef, is found off the north-eastern coast of Australia.
  • Australia has a range of different landscapes, including urban areas, mountain ranges, deserts and rain forests.
  • Australia is home to a variety of unique animals, including the koalakangaroo, emu, kookaburra and platypus.
  • Although they usually keep to themselves, there are a range of dangerous snakes in Australia, such as the Brown Snake, Tiger Snake and Taipan.
  • Australia has over 750 different reptile species, more than any other country in the world.
  • Australia is a relatively wealthy country with a high life expectancy.
  • Australia hosted the 1956 (Melbourne) and 2000 (Sydney) Summer Olympics.


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Go All Out

Continuing on from yesterdays blog about Australia.
 Surfing, Iv'e only tried it once and it was fun but at the same time scary. 
The funny thing is that it was a small baby wave compared to the pros waves. 
When watching these pro surfers it looks so fun. 
But when the wave keeps getting bigger and bigger goosebumps cover my whole body.
 I couldn't imagine even swimming around a wave that big. 
Respect for what they are doing, these pros wake up everyday and hit these huge waves without even thinking twice. 
Most people are afraid of even being around waves the size they are surfing. 
Well, if I ever get the chance to visit Australia, the surf competition is on my list. 
It would be a life time experience to watch these live. 
Wish me luck on my Forex Trading. Australia here I come.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The way we should be

Everywhere in the world couples, family members and friends argue or get angry about the smallest things. If people could have more patients and think before they speak, then peoples lives would be much happier. When we create negative energy everything goes wrong. The person that yells regrets it later, knowing what they said was wrong. But the person that gets yelled at could just give up right at that moment. The balance between the two starts to get very uneven and relationships start to fade away. Not saying that I'm perfect, but I realize how words can effect other people. We don't know how that persons day started or maybe he/she is going through difficult times. If we talk and show that we care, both sides create a positive energy and problems are less likely to occur. This short video actually shows what I'm talking about. Have a look and you will understand the feeling of a parent. They are the ones who made us who we are today.

Monday, February 10, 2014

The mystery of Marree Man

Yesterday I wrote about how nice it would be to take a vacation in Australia. As I talked about Kangaroos and how amazing they are and how cool it would be if I actually saw one in real life.
Well, I discovered something that I never knew about Australia. The Marree Man, an enormous man mad figure that know body knows the truth about. I was reading an article about it but everybody's opinions are different. Most of them are the same though. That's why I'm a bit confused about the story behind the Marree Man. Its written in Wikipedia that when the Marree man was discovered there was also a small jar with a letter, satellite picture, and an American flag. How can anybody explain this? Was it Americans that went there and created this figure without getting caught? Maybe someone knew about this and just put a flag, letter and picture close to the Marree Man. Who knows? But this story is too interesting to let go because the facts about the size and depth are unbelievable. You would need a huge team to get this done. Also in Wikipedia, its written that maybe the image was created from fire. The people could have burned the image into the ground. But if there were bulldozers, that means people would have been seen. What about all the fuel that was needed? All of these questions come together as answers disappear. If anyone has facts about the Marree Man feel free to leave any comments.



Australia, a place that is on my vacation list. Iv'e heard there are many fun activities and beautiful scenery's everywhere in Australia. But the main reason for visiting Australia is because of Kangaroos. I have always had an interest in them. The abilities they have to jump is just amazing. Iv'e seen Kangaroos on YouTube but really want to see them in real life. In this picture shows Kangaroos scattered all over the place. It would be very nice to be there with them and see how they live in their daily lives. An interesting fact is that male kangaroos can jump 10 ft high, 30 feet long and can reach speeds up to 40 mph. In my opinion, Kangaroos are the coolest animals out there. Don't get me wrong, there are other cool animals out there but when it comes to jumping Kangaroos hold the power.


I hope my FX trading goes well so that I can go to Australia this summer.
I'm trading with Infinity Space as of now, but my trading is not going good everyday, due to my lack of knowledge. If anybody is into Forex Trading, advice is very appreciated. It would feel very good to gain my knowledge.

High Leverage Broker Infinity Space

<a href="">Hyper Smash</a>

Friday, February 7, 2014

Wild Life

As I was reading about animals today I came across an article that showed the worlds biggest bat. The Golden capped Fruit Bat is just enormous compared to usual bats. The wingspan of 5 feet, only weighs 2.6 pounds and can fly up to 25 miles per night. This picture looks like a big dog with wings. The interesting fact is that they are not harmful to humans. But still looks scary to me. Imagine if you were taking a hike and you had one of these flying in your direction. What would you do?

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Last month my trading was going pretty well and I was getting use to it, thought it would be getting better and better everyday. I guess not, the decisions that have made were not good at all. Lost some money and trying to gain more. If there is any tips regarding FOREX trading please leave some comments. Have a good day everyone.

Monday, February 3, 2014

City Or Nature


Which scenery do you like more? If you could live in one of these places which one would it be? City lights are just beautiful when its the sun sets. Nature is beautiful when the sun rises. For me its quite difficult to choose either one. I love being in both, nature and city. But when it comes to your life and where its going to be lived I would definitely go with the top picture. I can already imagine the sounds of the wilderness. Birds chirping, wind blowing through trees, water form the lake, its all there. But when it come s to the city I already know the sounds of horns, yelling, smog etc... Don't get me wrong I enjoy the city but if there was a choice to live in either one, it's nature. If you have time please just say which one you would prefer. Good Day To All.