This has been a problem in the USA for a while now. The knockout game as well as beating up the homeless. Watching these videos on YouTube is just getting on my nerves. The teenagers and kids are beating up random people as they pass by. I don't know why they feel the need to do these horrible things to other human beings. Some of the teenagers say its because they are bored, Really? Isn't there better things to do, why don't they just box each other if they enjoy punching. Also, these kids are teasing the homeless in a cruel way. They don't know the homeless persons life before, there are many reasons why they are homeless. No need for extra stress in life. Why should a person with no home have to deal with punks and beatings? This is not fair, these kids are younger than the homeless and the knockout victims. What ever happened to respect for the elders? So, I came across this video on YouTube and these people are acting like the homeless and the bad teenagers. the program was to see the result of what the people around really think. Will people step in and say something and make the kids go away? Check this out! More people need to start helping the ones struggling and make a difference in life.
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